How To Get Your Daughter To Practice

How To Get Your Daughter To Practice

You are always trying to "get" your daughter to practice. After all, she said she wanted to be a pitcher, you are spending tons of money on lessons, she is super athletic and is going to be great!! Yet...she won't practice!  You even set up the basement to look like an exact replica of the Rosemont Dome! You nag her, you try to reason with her by explaining all of the benefits of practicing. You feel you have given her all the tools humanly possible, but alas, there she remains comfy on the couch, TV remote in one hand, cell phone in the other.

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5 Things You Should Correct: In Order of Importance

5 Things You Should Correct: In Order of Importance

Do you ever think when looking at your player, “That looks funny, but I’m not sure how to correct it?” Or your watching your daughter pitch and you know about three mechanics pitchers are supposed to perform. You try to correct all three simultaneously and wonder why she can’t do it? How long will it take for her to change?

I’m writing this for beginner parents, mostly because parents of experienced pitchers have been attending lessons. They know exactly what their daughter needs practice, even if they don’t quite understand exactly why. I’d say the latter is a good-enough start.

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Where Will Your Game Be One Year From Now?

Where Will Your Game Be One Year From Now?

If you are thinking about taking on the position of pitcher with your daughter this note is for you!

Notice I use the phrase “taking on the position with” because learning to pitch is nothing less than a partnership between the two of you.

Becoming a pitcher is a special journey that takes a high level of commitment time-wise, financially, and emotionally. It can also be one of the most rewarding positions in all of sport! After reading this you will understand what to expect, have a road map for success, and motivation to help you persevere along the way.

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What Are the Youth Challenges and Why Do They Matter?

What Are the Youth Challenges and Why Do They Matter?

As a young pitcher you are faced with many logistical roadblocks that college pitchers don't face. You must find someone to drive you to practice or save up enough money for a new glove. You have the challenge of forming habits when many factors are out of your control, for example, not having enough time to warm up for a game because high school schedules are tight.

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What Should I Tell My Daughter During Games?

What Should I Tell My Daughter During Games?

I see the pain in parents’ eyes. Their daughter is finally getting her chance to pitch and she’s throwing ball after ball, nowhere near strike zone. They wonder how this can practice yesterday she pitched great! In last week’s game she seemed to be more accurate. There must be something wrong with her mechanics, they think.

What can parents say to help a pitcher throw more strikes during a game, especially when they know she is capable of it?

Firstly, sometimes parents get the last part of this concept wrong. Here is a blog I wrote to help you & her decipher objectively what she is capable of at any given moment. Once this is sorted out, most of the stress goes away for everyone. Improper expectations is the largest source, in my opinion, of disappointment, anger, and failure during performances.

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A Beginner's Guide to Seasonality

A Beginner's Guide to Seasonality

Has your daughter ever been afraid to change something in her motion because it will mess up her accuracy for the upcoming game? Well, she should be concerned because there are only certain times of the year when she should or should not be majorly altering her fundamentals. Last week we talked about how to break down practices and seasonality. This week I will give you examples of fun games and challenges to include in your seasonal practice.

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How Not to Develop Pitchers

How Not to Develop Pitchers

It's not about winning, it's about HOW you win and challenging yourself.  Even if her team would have lost the lesson stands strong. Coach Hanning was preparing Jennie to reach her potential, an Olympian and NCAA National Champion, not a summer ball tournament champ.

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How to Win Big with Habit-Formation

How to Win Big with Habit-Formation

In our pitching school, we give away pins every session to a select few students. They say, “Commit to the Process.” To earn one, a pitcher must do any sort of pitching practice every single day between lessons to earn a star for her team. Then, over the span of a 10-week off-season, if she’s able to accumulate all 70 days of consistent work, she earns the pin. This is quite a feat, to say the least.

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Build a Pitching Staff - Not a Hierarchy

Build a Pitching Staff - Not a Hierarchy

If you are coaching a team with more than one pitcher (hint, hint that's you) you're going to need to develop your group as a staff, not just as individuals waiting their turn. When you create depth you'll get the most out of each pitcher, teach teamwork, and be able to overcome the day when your number one pitcher and sole hope is struggling. I said when, not if.

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9 Signs You Need Help With Mechanics

9 Signs You Need Help With Mechanics

Think back to your last golf round. What type of player are you? Are you praying that you'll hit your next shot in the air, or are you calculating the difference between the 5 and 6 iron? Are you just trying keep up with the rest of your group, or are you visualizing the angle of your draw?

These questions show a clear difference in competency level. One person is competing while the other is focused on skill development, without knowing what skill needs to be developed. She just knows she has to get the ball over there, with no idea how.

Without mechanical competence, your daughter's only thoughts will be, “Please throw a strike and don’t embarrass myself!” as opposed to, “I’m going to strike this girl out with a low fastball then and outside change.” Unfortunately, pitchers will go through this thought process their whole career unless they learn and practice. As a young player, I received instruction on how to pitch, but did not practice. So my “worried” thinking went all the way through the end of high school. Not until college did I put the work into grooving my mechanics.

So, in an effort to help girls of all levels learn to actually “play” softball, here is a list of 9 circumstances when you know your daughter needs mechanical help.

  1. You think your daughter can pitch without learning how to do it.

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How To Be Obsessed With Your Little League

How To Be Obsessed With Your Little League

No one on her team could throw a strike so the games were very long and uneventful. A number of parents started asking me to instruct but I saw myself as an executive in the corporate world. Now, as a small business owner running a pitching school with over 160 students, I’m often to help little leagues find a way to make the quality of pitching better. If girls can pitch strikes, then the batters can hit, and the fielders can field.

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Do You Have A Clueless Coach?

Do You Have A Clueless Coach?

I’d like a make a plea for parent-coaches to attend coach’s clinics. Here are 6 reasons why:

  • Leverage: I you send 12 kids on your team to a one-hour pitching clinic the total cost at $50 per kid = $600!! Also add 12 hours of your players’ time. Or, you go to a defensive clinic for one hour at the total cost of $50, with no extra time for the kids. Teach them what you learned during regular practice hours.

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More Survival Tips for Parent Catchers

More Survival Tips for Parent Catchers

The most successful pitchers have involved parents. This can be tricky, because that means you’ll have to put a high percentage of effort as well. That’s why I call it a partnership. It’s best if you both decide to take on the challenge together.

If you want to give her the opportunity to reach her full potential, you'll have to catch for her - a lot. Here are a few catching techniques to get you through the times when you don't quite feel like getting out there with her.

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What's the Best Follow-Through?

What's the Best Follow-Through?

To moms and dads who obsess over YouTube pitching videos: I’ve been there to. You love the “forearm fire,” Bill Hillhouse, and Amanda Scarborough’s Power Drive.

Bill Hillhouse promotes a cross-bodied follow through to the opposite-side shoulder. Below I will clarify what he means when he talks about this and why I teach something else. The follow through others teach is a straight-arm one with the hand pointing to the target at the end. I call this the “hand-shake” follow-through. I teach most players to point their elbows, not hands, to the target, referred to as “hello elbow.” I’ll discuss each follow throughs and what they mean to your pitcher.

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3 Must-Haves to Make It at the Highest Level

3 Must-Haves to Make It at the Highest Level

At the beginning of a pitcher’s journey, parents sometimes ask me for honest evaluations of their daughters. They ask me if it’s worth putting the time, money, and effort into pitching if she won’t get to play on her team this year. Some would like to know if I think she has the potential to play at the highest level.

I would never discourage anyone from learning to pitch because they probably weren’t going to pitch in the Olympics, but I do believe there are certain attributes and life circumstances a player must posses to play in college.

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Don't Make These 5 Common Pitching Mistakes

Don't Make These 5 Common Pitching Mistakes

Let's face it, pitching strikes isn't easy. It takes players five to ten years develop the skills and strength to throw a ball 60+ mph to a small target with movement, if they can at all. If you avoid these common mistakes from the beginning you'll cut lots of time off of your journey.

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Lessons from College Coaches

Lessons from College Coaches

Overuse injuries make up 50% of all injuries in middle and high school. Three-sport athletes suffer less injuries than one-sport athletes. Plus, Dr. Middleton answered the common question, “Is the underhand pitching motion more natural that overhand, and as a result do less injuries occur?”

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How to Communicate More Clearly With Your Daughter

How to Communicate More Clearly With Your Daughter

When it comes to coaching your daughter on pitching mechanics, I highly recommend it. Sometimes. As an observer of the parent-daughter relationships for a number of years, I’ve been trying to develop my philosophy on this, then somehow communicate it with a tactful touch. While debate rages about over-bearing parents or how much is too much, I still find pitching kind of an anomaly. Pitchers need their mom’s and dad’s more than every other position. Quite possibly, every other position in most sports. Is this just culture or is it absolutely necessary? I’ll leave that for another blog.

But for now, here are some helpful tips to support your daughter's success while making developing as a pitcher a great experience for you both:

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Help for Brave Parents Who Catch

Help for Brave Parents Who Catch

We begin our next session of pitching school in just 3 days. Because we are trying to limit the number of people in the building due to COVID, parent will have to get their info in other ways that direct. Good news, though - that means I’ll get to spread this information to everyone who reads this newsletter!

In practice I'll sometimes ask a parent who's catching for her daughter if she can see the spin on the ball. I'll ask if she saw a fundamental that could have been executed better. Most of the time I get these answers to the question:

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Do I Need A Recruiting Video?

Do I Need A Recruiting Video?

If you are in 8th or 9th grade and participated in a travel tournament where you supplied your email address, you might have gotten a call from a college reciting company. The NCSA, or Next College Student Athlete, is one the many companies that can help you get “seen” by a college coach. They are armed with an excellent sales force full of ex-successful college athletes, some of which you might have even been coached by or got lessons from (not me, I’m just sayin).

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